Friday 6 April 2012

Good Friday

People Observes 'Good Friday' to mark the day Jesus sacrificed his life on cross.

The Friday that comes in holy week is known as 'Good Friday’.The one week between from 'palm Sunday' to ‘Easter Sunday' is considered as Holy week by the followers of

Jesus. The Wednesday that comes in this week is known as ash Wednesday. The 3 days period that begins with Ash Wednesday to and ends with Good Friday is known as Lent.

Day in the Holy week
Palm Sunday
Jesus entered Jerusalem, The Beginning of Holy week
Ash Wednesday
Judas spied Jesus, the Beginning of Lent.
Maundy Thursday
The Last Supper taken by Jesus and his associates
Good Friday
Jesus was crucified, The end of Lent
Easter Sunday
Jesus Resurrection, The Last Day of Holy Week

Good Friday is the Day of Scarify and Service. This is not a day of celebration this is a day of mourn.
On this day the followers of Jesus

1.Visit the churches early in the morning.
2.Kisses the wooden cross that it kept at churches
3.Do service from 12 noon to 3 PM to mark the sufferings endured by Jesus on the cross for the last three hours.
4.Many followers of Christ observe complete fasting or at least abstain from meat.
5.Meditates, prays and chant the hymns.


Merciful Father,
In your great love,
You sent your Son Jesus Christ,
To suffer and die on the cross.
By reflecting upon his crucifixion this day:
May we find consolation in our suffering;
May we find healing in our sickness;
And, clinging to the hope that we have in Christ,
May we who will die find salvation.
We pray in the name of Jesus the Lord............ Amen.

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